


to the website of the

The purpose of this network is to ensure an international forum, coordination,

and cooperation opportunities for researchers of learning.


Join the ILEARN!

We invite you to become a member of the ILEARN

   The joining and the memberships are free.
   A new applicant member applies to the National President with his/her CV.
   In the absence of a national representative/president, please write an e-mail to the International President of ILEARN!
   The e-mail addresses of National and International Presidents can be found in the Management section of this website.

   Upon admission, the applicant agrees that s/he will publish min. one publication and one conference presentation per year (on a topic related to learning research). These publications must include that it is made in the frame of the International Learning Research Network and its National Learning Research Circles, Scientific Workshops. The members must send the bibliography of his/her relevant publications and presentations to the National President until 31 December of the given year. If a member did not send this bibliography to the National President, then his/her membership will be automatically terminated.

   The member can initiate the creation of a Scientific Workshop with the National President or the creation of a National Learning Research Circle with the International President. A member can initiate his/her joining of a Scientific Workshop (the relevant management is the National President) or a National Learning Research Circle (the relevant management is the International President).


We invite you to ILEARN events


Possibility to apply for ILEARN membership. Please read the information in the section ‘Join the ILEARN!’.



Sept 29, 2023: Novel Approaches and Methods of the Testing of Cognitive Abilities Workshop (Cigánd, Hungary)

Jun 30, 2023:
1) Issue 2023/2 of the Journal ‘OxIPO’ is published. URL: https://www.kpluszf.com/oxipo_archivum/
2) Issue 2023/1 of the Journal ‘Mesterséges Intelligencia’ (Artificial Intelligence) is published. URL: https://www.kpluszf.com/mi_archivum/
3) Issue 2023/1 of the Journal ‘Lélektan és Hadviselés’ (Psychology and Warfare) is published. URL: https://www.kpluszf.com/lh_archivum/

April 6-10, 2023: Study trip in Lisbon, Portugal

March 18, 2023: ILEARN is the co-organizer of VIII. International Interdisciplinary Conference (March 18, 2023). Link…

February 15, 2023: The website of the ILEARN is created

January 10, 2023: The establishment of the ILEARN

November 11, 2022: Preparation Session of founders of ILEARN

June 1, 2022: The basic idea of the International Learning Research Network (ILEARN) is created by Ferenc Mező


Use ILEARN’s selection of books, articles, and databases

WEBSITE: https://kockakor.hu/ilearn/

JOURNAL: OxIPO interdisciplinary journal (ISSN 2676-8771), Open Access, URL: https://www.kpluszf.com/oxipo_archivum/


Mező Ferenc (2022): Beszámoló a „Tanulás és Társadalom” interdiszciplináris nemzetközi konferenciáról. OxIPO – interdiszciplináris tudományos folyóirat, 2022/4. 79-109. DOI 10.35405/OXIPO.2022.4.79

Mező Ferenc (2022): Beszámoló a „Tanulás és Társadalom” Interdiszciplináris Nemzetközi Konferenciáról (2022) és annak lélektan és hadviselés vonatkozásairól. Lélektan és Hadviselés, 2022/4. szám, 63-93. o. URL: https://www.kpluszf.com/assets/docs/LH/LH_2022_2_063_Mezo.pdf




Purposes of the ILEARN

The purpose of the ILEARN is to ensure
an international forum, coordination, and cooperation opportunities 
for researchers in the following comprehensive topics:

1. Learning diagnostics
Its aims are the creation of new diagnostic tools, examination of the validity and reliability of diagnostic tools (e.g. tests, questionnaires, etc.), creation of multilingual adaptations of test tools, and implementation of international examinations.

2. Learning development
The aims are to collect, develop, systematize, examine subject-related and subject-independent learning methods, and use them in a development program.

3. Learning support
The aims are the implementation of national and international comparative studies of the pedagogical, psychological, sociological, and legal possibilities and characteristics of learning support.

4. Learning environment
The aims are to map the environmental factors that help/hinder learning and to develop an environment that helps to learn.

5. Learning aids
The aim is the innovation of digital and traditional learning tools.

Management / Staff

The founders of the ILEARN are private individuals.

The founding management (cycle: 2023 -2025):

International President:
Mező, Ferenc (Ph.D.)
E-mail: ferenc.mezo1@gmail.com

International Vice President:
Mező, Katalin (Ph.D.)

International Vice President:
Szabóné Balogh, Ágota (Ph.D.)
E-mail: szaboneagota@gmail.com


National President of the Hungarian Learning Research Circle: 
Hanák, Zsuzsanna (PhD, habil.)
E-mail: hanak.zsuzsanna@uni-eszterhazy.hu

National President of the Romanian Learning Research Circle: 
Gál, Katalin (Ph.D.)
E-mail: katalin.gal@partium.ro 

National President of the Serbian Learning Research Circle: 
Horák, Rita (PhD, Prof.)
E-mail: rita.horak@magister.uns.ac.rs 

National President of the Slovakian Learning Research Circle: 
Nagy Lehocky, Zsuzsa (Ph.D.)
E-mail: znlehocka@ukf.sk

National President of the Czech Learning Research Circle: 
Kolmanova, Simona (Ph.D.)
E-mail: simona.kolmanova@ff.cuni.cz

The Kocka Kör Tehetséggondozó Kulturális Egyesület (HU) undertakes to support the operation of the International Learning Research Network as an incubator organization.



Organizational background


Founders of the network: private individuals (see attendance sheet)

    The network’s incubator organization: at the time of its foundation, the network does not have an independent legal personality. Until it becomes a registered organization, „Kocka Kör Tehetséggondozó Kulturális Egyesület”  „Cube Circle Talent Development Cultural Association”, registered in Hungary, undertakes to support the operation of the network as an incubator organization.


   The ILEARN includes Management (which consists of International and National Presidents and Vice-Presidents) and membership (which is divided into National Learning Research Circles, within them into Scientific Workshops). The organogram of the ILEARN is:

In more detail:


 The management consists of

  • 1 International President,
  • 2 International Vice Presidents,
  • as many National Presidents and National Vice Presidents as there are countries, and nationalities in the membership.

The management board meets at least once a year. Meetings can be held in person or online.

   The network is represented by the International President alone, whose task is to represent the network, organize the annual international conferences at the international level, and promote research, projects, publications, and events that require international coordination. The International President performs his duties as International President in a three-year cycle, and before the end of the cycle, he organizes the process of electing the International President, during which the International President is elected by the National Presidents by secret ballot. The International President can be re-elected for several terms. The International President is his direct assistant, and in case of obstruction, his deputy is the International Vice President, whose person is chosen by the International President.

  The National Presidents represent the network in their countries of birth and/or permanent residence, facilitate research, projects, publications, and events that require national coordination, and coordinate the National Learning Research Circle. One National President can be elected per country. The National President performs his duties as National President in a three-year cycle, and before the end of the cycle, he organizes the process of electing the National President, during which the members belonging to the given National Learning Research Circle elect the next National President by secret ballot. The National President can be re-elected for several terms. The National President is the direct assistant of the National President, and in case of obstruction, the National Vice President is his deputy, whose person is chosen by the National President.

   National Learning Research Circle

Membership is recruited from a given nation or a country in a narrower sense, coordinated by the National President (in the event of his/her inability to do so, the National Vice President). National Learning Research Circle min. It can be created by 3 or more people.

   Scientific Workshop

Within a National Learning Research Circle, a community established for the purpose of researching a narrower topic defined by the members of the workshop. To establish min. 3 people are required.

The official name of the Scientific Workshop. Scientific Workshop of the International Learning Research Network /… Country/ National Learning Research Circle /… topic/. For example the ‘Learning Diagnostic Scientific Workshop of the Hungarian Learning Research Circle of the International Learning Research Network’. Or the short version of this: ‘ILEARN Hungarian Learning Diagnostics Workshop’.

The intention, theme, research plan, membership, and leader of the Scientific Workshop, as well as the person of the deputy leader, are reported by the membership to the National President, who either authorizes it in his own authority and informs the International President, or does not authorize it, and in this case with professional reasons lives towards those who want to establish the Scientific Workshop, as well as the International President.
The head of the Scientific Workshop can be elected for a three-year term, and the deputy’s head is chosen by himself. The head of the Scientific Workshop can be elected by a secret ballot by members of this workshop. The organization and implementation of the election is the end-of-cycle task of the head of the Science Workshop.


A new applicant member applies to the National President with his/her CV. Upon admission, s/he agrees that s/he will publish min. one publication and one conference presentation per year (on a topic related to learning research). These publications must include that it’s made in the frame of the International Learning Research Network and its National Learning Research Circles, Scientific Workshops. The members must send the bibliography of his/her relevant publications and presentations to the National President until 31 December of the given year. If a member did not send this bibliography to the National President, then his/her membership will be automatically terminated.
The member can initiate the creation of a Scientific Workshop with the National President or the creation of a National Learning Research Circle with the International President. A member can initiate his/her joining of a Scientific Workshop (the relevant management is the National President) or a National Learning Research Circle (the relevant management is the International President).

The Kocka Kör Tehetséggondozó Kulturális Egyesület (HU) undertakes to support the operation of the International Learning Research Network as an incubator organization.


   The network conducts non-profit management: any profit received is returned to the operational goals.

   Membership: free

   The network does not owe the incubator organization a fee, and the incubator organization does not owe a fee to the network, its officials, members, or projects.

   On a case-by-case basis (e.g. in the case of tenders), members of the network and the incubator organization may receive remuneration for performing specific tasks